About Go Teen Writers:
Write Your Novel
In this book, you’ll learn:
-There is no such thing as one right way to write a novel.
-How to take an idea and give it a beginning, middle, and end.
-What story structure means and how it strengthens a book.
-Different approaches to plotting a novel.
-How to develop characters worth reading about.
-Strategies for creating memorable storyworlds and settings.
-What theme is and how to use it to enrich your story.
-What to do when your first draft is finished.
With this book as your guide, you’ll see that when you’re in possession of the right tools, you’re capable of finishing what you start.

About Go Teen Writers:
Edit Your Novel
This book includes tips for:
-Getting published
-Finding the right agent
-Book surgery
-Thicker plots
-Deeper characters
-Richer settings
-Weaving in theme
-Dealing with people who don’t get your writing
We can’t make the process easy for you, but it’s our hope that this book will be a tool you can turn to time and time again when you’re thinking, “Okay … what’s next?”