Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all 27 stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!
- The hunt BEGINS on 3/14 at noon MST with Stop #1 at LisaTawnBergren.com.
- Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
- There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/17 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
- Submit your entry for the grand prize by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at Stop #27. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
I’m delighted that I get to host Roseanna M. White, who happens to be my best friend! Roseanna and I met 12 years ago at a writers conference when we were both pregnant and had the same red leather bag. One of the reasons our friendship flourished is that I loved her writing so much and we started critiquing for each other. I’m a huge fan of her work, and The Number of Love is one of my absolute favorites of hers. Here’s a little bit about it:

Three years into the Great War, England’s greatest asset is their intelligence network–field agents risking their lives to gather information, and codebreakers able to crack every German telegram. Margot De Wilde thrives in the environment of the secretive Room 40, where she spends her days deciphering intercepted messages. But when her world is turned upside down by an unexpected loss, for the first time in her life numbers aren’t enough.
The book is incredible! I found her explanation of how she did her math research so fascinating. Here she is to share:
Making Your Math Teacher Proud
by Roseanna White
I’ll never forget a day during my Geometry class in ninth grade. We had a student teacher, and though I don’t recall her name, I remember liking her—as the whole class did. As her time in our class drew to a close, she got creative.
One day, she announced that she was going to show us all how math would help us in our chosen fields. She went around the room, asked each student what he or she intended to do as a career, and had a great answer for everyone. Future fashion designers, nurses, architects, mechanics—she had great answers for them all.

Then she got to me. And, ever a helpful student, I smiled up at her and said, “Novelist.”
And that poor young woman’s eyes filled with panic. “Um… Uh…” For a long minute, I could see the wheels turning. She was trying, really trying, to find a reason I’d use math. But at length, she laughed and said, “Okay, I give. You’ve stumped me. You might just never use this stuff.”
But here’s the thing…I have. Because one thing about novelists is that we’re never bound by our lives—we explore the lives of our characters. And my most recent heroine is a mathematician.
I’ve had to steal my daughter’s algebra book so I could remind myself of phrases. I’ve brushed up on my higher-level learning. I’ve looked up theorems and propositions and vocabulary. All so that I can write a convincing character. And though challenging, I love how unique a voice Margot ended up having.
She’s nothing like me. But even so, I think back on that day in geometry class and think, “Oh teacher, if only you knew. I think you’d be rather proud.”

Roseanna M. White is a bestselling, Christy Award nominated author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she’s homeschooling her two kids, editing, designing book covers, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of a slew of historical novels that span several continents and thousands of years. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to find their way into her books…to offset her real life, which is blessedly ordinary
Here’s the Stop #16 Skinny:
You can order Roseanna’s book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD, from Roseanna’s website, or at your local bookstore!
Clue to Write Down: and
Link to Stop #17, the Next Stop on the Loop: Roseanna M. White’s own site!
Before you go, three entrants can win their choice of The Lost Girl of Astor Street or Within These Lines!

All you have to do to enter is sign up to receive emails from me (or already be a subscriber) by clicking here. You can also get additional points for following me on Amazon, Bookbub, Goodreads, and Instagram. (Due to the unfortunate realities of expensive international shipping, this giveaway is for USA residents only.) Use the Rafflecopter below to enter!
Enjoy the rest of the hunt!
a Rafflecopter giveaway